Chestnut Oak Fibers

Pam Baker Howard - Weaver~Fiber Artist~Teacher - Brasstown, North Carolina

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dyeing to Weave on a Rigid Heddle Loom - A class at Yarn Circle

Have you always been interested in color? Have small looms been something you wanted to learn more about? Well here is your chance to dye your own wool yarn and then warp and weave a scarf on a rigid heddle loom. The dye day will be on Saturday, May 15 from 1 -4. Then on Saturday, May 22, from 1-4 we will warp the looms and on Tuesday, May 25 from 6 -9 come back and we will learn about finishing the scarves.
Rigid heddle looms are so popular because they are portable, light weight and fun to work with.
Come and join me in a very colorful and creative class.
Class fee is $150 plus a $30 materials fee. Pre-registration and a $50 deposit is required.
